Psychological counseling has to provide a safe space where gender identity and sexual orientation are accepted and not questioned or looked upon condescendingly. Therefore PLUS was founded: a psychological counseling centre for lgbtiaq+ people.
lgbtiaq+ means:
Lesbian women
Gay men
Bisexual individuals
Trans individuals
Asexual and aromantic individuals
Inter individuals
Queer individuals
+ other sexual, romantic and gender minorities
Our offers are open to anybody who is lgbtiaq+ and the people around them, as well as professional institutions.
PLUS offers psychological counseling for individuals, couples and families.
Possible topics are: coming-out, transition, relationships, family, starting a rainbow family, experiences of discrimination/violence, mental health.
(Free Couseling concerning sexual health is provided by KOSI.MA.)
(Free Counseling concerning asylum is provided by our refugee project. Scroll down to 'Refugees welcome' for more information.)
The first 4 counseling sessions are free for everybody - this is made possible by the statewide project LSBTTIQ Beratung Baden-Württemberg.
Due to the financing of the city of Heidelberg and the Rhein-Neckar district, all counseling sessions are free to anyone from Heidelberg or the Rhein-Neckar district.
Due to the financing of the city of Mannheim, all counseling sessions are free to anyone from Mannheim until the age of 27 years, their family and professionals working with lgbtiaq+ youth.
Appointments can be made via e-mail: or telephone: 0621- 33 62 110 (Tuesdays between 4 and 6 pm and Thursdays between 9 and 11 am). Googlemail and gmail often filter our emails as spam so please check your spam folder for our responses.
TIN Tea / Open consultation
PLUS supports teens, young adults and their families in the often stressful but also liberating time of coming-out.
There are five established youth groups (JuLe, Gipfelstürmer, Deltaboys, sT*ernchen and sT*ars), open to any teen and young adult searching advise or community. The youth goups organise themselves and meet regularly. What meetings look like is up to each group. Group leaders are supervised by psychologists of PLUS.
Teens and young adults at PLUS also organise themselves (= JUGEND von PLUS) and create community spaces together.
More information about the youth groups and JUGEND von PLUS can be found on the youth's homepage.
Café International (every month)
Exchange with the PLUS for Refugees team, chat, relax, fiend new friends, have a drink...
Next date: 28.02.2025
Time: 5 to 7 pm
Location: Queer Center Mannheim (QZM), G7 14, 68159 Mannheim (Ground floor)
Cooking Love in Mannheim (every month)
For LGBTQIA+ refugees and all people with and without a migration/refugee history who are interested in a queer international exchange. New friendships are easily made when you eat together! Anyone who would like to cook, play and of course dine with people from all over the world is invited to our cooking event. An international exchange, not just culinary, accompanied by the group leaders Harald and Rami. The monthly cooking evening is free for all participants. But we are always happy about donations. Travel costs are also covered for refugees.
Next date: 20.02.2025
Time: 5 to 8 pm
Location: Hafenkirche (Port church) in Kirchenstraße 11, 68159 Mannheim, Jungbusch (tram stop: Rheinstraße; bus stop: Akademiestraße)
Queer International Meet Up in Heidelberg
Queer people from around the world meet up every month to get to know each other and have fun together.
Next dates: tba
Location: Heidelberg
ILSE-Group Rhein Neckar
ILSE (Initiative of lesbian and gay parents) is a group of lesbian women and gay men who want or have children. We meet once a month, to share experiences and opinions, give eachother advice, and to enjoy ourselves. If you want to meet us: Mail: Homepage.
Refugees welcome
We provide counseling, information and support for lgbtiaq+ refugees and have taken up the cause of raising awareness of flight on seeking refugee on grounds of homo- and transphobia. We offer
information and support for lgbtiaq+ refugees, especially for those in the Rhein-Neckar-region
information and support from volunteers
meetings and get-togethers for lgbtiaq+ refugees (Unicorn Refugees & Bunte Frauen)
conferences and events to discuss the experiences and needs of lgbtiaq+ refugees
We're always happy about volunteers who want to support queer refugees or translate in our consultations.
For more information please contact
Googlemail and gmail often filter our emails as spam so please check your spam folder for our responses.
Open consultations for queer refugees
Newbie meeting for queer refugees
Group meeting for queer refugees